
Published Bid Postings

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Bid Express

Welcome to the MHEC Bid Postings page. The MHEC posts bids online via Bid Express. This secure Internet bidding portal provides interested bidders the ability to download, complete and submit their bids online. This process is intended to assist bidders to submit their bids on time and with all the required documentation, therefore limiting the risk of disqualification.

There is NO COST for suppliers to respond to MHEC bids. The MHEC has prepaid the fee on behalf of its bidders. All MHEC bids hosted on Bid Express are FREE OF CHARGE.

In order to submit a bid for one of our solicitations, you must first register with Bid Express. Click here to create your account now.

Bid Express Instructions

  1. Bidder Registration and Training Guide: Click Here
  2. How to submit a Bid Solicitation Video: Click Here
  3. Bid Express FAQ’s can be found on pages 10 and 11 in the Suppliers Toolkit: Click Here to View.


  1. Bid Express Phone: toll free (888) 352-BIDX (2439) M – F, 7AM – 8PM
  2. Bid Express Email: support@bidexpress.com, 24 hour support